Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Husband's Stocking

I did a stocking for the hub this year. We are on a teeny tiny budget for christmas this year, so a stocking with a lot of fun little things was easier than a one big expensive gifts. I did get him one present in addition to the stocking, which I will not list on here because he hasn't opened it yet!

Despite my husband's deep voice, beard, and crazy muscular arms he is such a little kid still! Every Christmas about a week before christmas he begins nagging me about opening presents early. It's really very sweet because he honestly gets more excited about giving me my gifts than opening his. He gets such an excited look on his face at the notion of opening some presents early, I have to give in. 

So I thought I would post what I put in his stocking to inspire the rest of you, since we did his stocking a full week before Christmas haha!

Here is what I put in his stocking, the only thing I forgot to add in the picture were two mini bottles of Captain Morgan Black rum (his favorite) The mini bottles of alkie at the liquor stores are so fun for Christmas and would be great for birthdays! They are super cute, and inexpensive. 

- Avengers Boxers in an adorable tin that he can keep. The boxer label is a sticker that peels off so he can use the tin for other things (Every grown man needs a pair of super hero boxers!)
- 7 in 1 Tool Key Ring 
- 2 bags of Beef Jerky
- Atlanta Falcons Pens 
- 2 Boxes of Candy

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