Monday, November 19, 2012

Vintage Ironing Board Transformed into Picture Board

I was in desperate need of something to hold my pictures in my home office. The picture frames on my desk were getting knocked over by the cats daily, and I had had enough! After standing in the middle of my garage aimlessly looking for something to help me hang all my photos in one place above my desk. (Everyone goes to the garage for inspiration don't they???) I spotted my vintage 1920's children's ironing board, which my Grandma played with as a child, it hit me! Fabric attached to wood? Potential photo board!

Here is the original. So adorable! But not something I have a need for right now as I don't have a baby girl (yet!)

All it was doing was gathering dust in the garage.

My Grandma used to pretend like she was ironing on this next to her Mom, while she ironed, so sweet! This is why I love re-purposing antiques especially from within the family, I love the history behind it!

Plus it's inexpensive!!

The fabric on the board was the original, so it was, as you can imagine, pretty gross. There were a few stains, what looked like a burn mark (?) and it smelled, well, old. I wanted to replace the fabric with something very similar just to sorta keep it looking how it used to. Plus I adore all things turquoise.

In my pictures it looks light blue, but it is turquoise, please excuse the bad quality of my pictures.

Here it is stripped down to the wood! (Blend into the floor much?)

I re-used the padding that was already underneath the fabric, and staple gunned it to the wood, cut the material to fit, and staple gunned it as well.

After all the fabric was stapled, I staple gunned some red ribbon diagonally across the board.

Simply darling don't ya think!

Ended up costing me under $4!

I had my hub attach the legs to the board and hang it up on the wall for me. Thats what hubs are for, hanging things on the walls and killing bugs!

You could also add buttons, where the ribbons cross, but I like having it open so pictures can sit in the cross-hairs. I stapled my ribbon on really tight so my pictures don't fall out, even without buttons.

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